Monday, August 26, 2019

Flavor makes a difference

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
          Every great coffee house has its secrets. They claim that they make the best coffee because of special roasting techniques or flavor mixing from various farms. Whatever they claim each brand has a slightly different flavor. There are definitely some differences which produces, for some, a more flavorful brew. It adds a mystery to the brewing process and the customer buys into the idea that they are purchasing something special and unique.  Isn’t it odd that we Christians continue to do the opposite? We buy into the devil’s tricks. He has succeeded in trivializing everything from the Bible to the symbols of our faith and as a result many have begun to believe that Christ’s crucifixion wasn’t so special after all. They paint Mary Magdalene as his girlfriend, and they scoff at the idea of a virgin birth. It didn’t happen overnight. It has crept into our society over a long time in comedy skits and comfortable movies… even in children’s cartoons. Well, friend, no matter how many cross charms I see I intend to remember that each one is a symbol of the currency that paid my sin debt. The devil may be able to change my society but he can’t change me.  

1 Corinthians 1:27
    But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Dear Lord,
As I pray and meditate on your sacrifice, the suffering you endured for my sins, I am so very thankful. I have always found it hard to wrap my mind around the concept that You came into this world with one ultimate purpose, and that was to endure a hideous death. The truth is that the anguish you endured redeemed us. It was necessary to save us from sins grip on humanity.  You knew that You had a duty, a sacrifice to preform. God’s plan had to be fulfilled. Still, being ‘the son of man’ You had the option of freewill; yet, You choose to make that sacrifice. You chose to endure the shame and stigma of crucifixion because it held the ultimate hidden key, a code if you please, that when deciphered provided a gateway to grace. To say thank You for such sacrifice doesn’t seem enough, but I have no other words to express my gratitude. So, with a grateful heart I say again, thank You. I do have one request today. Lord I ask for your help... help me Lord to walk worthy of your suffering. As I live throughout this day, help me do something for You. Help me make your sacrifice worthwhile.  - Amen

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My favorite flavor is rich dark brewed coffee

Dear Friends of Rise Up Lubbock,
          On my last visit to the coffee shop I ask for my favorite flavor of rich dark brewed coffee and they told me that was not the flavor they had brewed for the day. They had a new coffee I had never tried. With anticipation I thought that I was getting the new and better coffee offered by the company and so I tried it. Don’t get me wrong… it was okay but it just was not as satisfying as the flavor I had come into the shop to get.  I fell for the thought that newer was better, but when it come to what really matters in life… well, most of the time we just want to be happy and you and I both know where the source of happiness is . I assure you that the source of real happiness is not in a cup of coffee…  right?
Dear Lord,
I have spent all my life working to acquire stuff. I see the newest technology and I can’t wait until I am able to afford it. I believe the bank and blue book appraisal when they tell me that the worth of my car is calculated by its age instead of its performance. What I really desire from you, Jesus, is not a life filled with fad or fashion, not the newest or latest but quality… I want a quality life. I want my life to matter. I want my legacy to be one of example; as how to live a fulfilling life after your plan. Help me see through society’s worthless teachings to find what is really worth living for. I want to live a life full of more enjoyment and you are the source of joy, the source of happiness, the source of fulfillment. Lord, I want more of You.  - Amen

Psalms 49:6-7
    They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him: