Monday, September 2, 2019

Lions and Cockroaches... and Coffee?

Hello friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
Have you ever been to a coffee shop enjoying your steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee and look over at the floor to see….   a cockroach crawling along the tile right toward you.  It ruins the mood and you start to have doubts about the cleanliness of the restaurant. The fresh flavor of the coffee is now tainted with the thought that is might not be as pure as you first thought… and soon you will stop going to that shop and find a new place to get coffee.  Well, Satan is exactly like that cockroach. He tries to get into your goods and corrupt the purity of your thoughts. He is sneaky and he tries to hide while he is working but when you see him it is time to move out of his reach…   I’m sorry what were we saying about coffee.

1 Peter 5:8
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Dear Lord,
I face today with a new determination. I see that you have put in my hand what I need to make my day successful and I intend to use it. My God, I ask that you help me to patiently ignore the roaring of people who are enveloped in their own self-interests. They only complain, ridicule and find fault.   Don’t let me become distracted or tempted away from completing today’s goal. I thank you for hearing me and I trust that you will be with me in every decision I make. Help me remember today that every choice I make, every place I go, and every situation I find myself in that You are there too… we are a team. Lord, You are all I need.  - Amen

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