Monday, October 7, 2019

God gave us a unique ability

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
            As I was sitting enjoying my coffee today I was thinking how unique it is that God gave us the ability for us to enjoy such culinary delights. No matter if your delight is anything like coffee, strawberries, chocolate, or some delicious confection it is our tongues that provide us with such an ability—such pleasure. Yes, we enjoy these divine splendors through the marvel of this little member. So tiny and so specialized, but it can also get us into big trouble too. When speaking in haste or anger it can make us seem unappreciative of the things that God has given us, even destroy friendships/ relationships, and when it’s turned against someone it can ruin lives. Truly, as Christians we have a responsibility to use our tongues wisely… not letting foolish or rash things utter from our mouths but rather speaking the words that Christ would say to those to whom He gave so much, to those whom He loves. Today consider these thoughts… Every word that I say to others, every infliction of emotion or impatience is a direct reflection of the Christ in me. Is that how I what others to see Christ? Whether or not I want them to they will judge Christ’s worthiness, His love, and His compassion by the words I speak. So, today as you sip your coffee contemplate this thought…  If we consider ourselves ambassadors of Christ then we must speak for the ruler of Heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:20
    Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Dear Lord,
I know that I speak in haste and talk out of turn. My anger is ignited when I see your children taken advantage of, but there is no excuse for my actions. My outbursts can destroy my testimony and push people away from me. Words may be intangible but they sting worse than mortal wounds and have lasting effects. Please remind me that everything I say and do is a reflection of you. It is a privilege to be your ambassador.  It is a privilege to allow your words to find a place in my mouth. So, Lord, please help me today to find the self-control to quench my angry words and only think about things which are true, things which are honest, things which are just, things which are pure, things which are lovely, and things which are of good report. Allow me to speak up when I find things of virtue, and help me speak out anytime there is an opportunity to give You praise. Lord as I fall on my face again I ask that You help me and mold me to be the man you want me to be. I want my testimony to be a good report because without it I would fall into the devil’s snare—reproach. You, Jesus, are my hope when things seem hopeless, my defender in times of persecution, and the healer of my broken life. – Amen

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