Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Regaling the coffee jockey

Dear Friend at Rise Up Lubbock

I’m just like everyone else when it comes to regaling every coffee jockey who serves me coffee with events and problems that have happened to me. It is almost a shame how (not just me but) people think they are there to not only serve coffee but to be everyone’s buddy. It reminds me of something I was once told… This person said (and writers of Christian literature seem to agree) that a “discerning heart” actually means a “hearing heart.” When I heard the phrase I thought: That’s really a strange statement. That one question opened the door to other questions like; what is a hearing heart? What does it hear? What is it listening to? Well, let me put it this way, a hearing heart is one that sees beneath the surface, one that looks with insight into people’s situations and God’s word.  Solomon wanted to be able to understand with depth. He longed for wisdom. His request was specific; he knew exactly what he was asking God for. He was asking for incite to see the good and evil in men’s hearts. You see, he was actually asking God for the ability to see into things and understand motives, thoughts, plans, ideas – the things that drove and guided men to do what they do. Why did he want it? His desire was completely unselfish… he wanted it so that he could serve others. So he could be a great leader. Being a leader requires so much wisdom, character, and ability. I suppose, in his way Solomon really asked for a “hearing heart.”

Monday, October 7, 2019

God gave us a unique ability

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
            As I was sitting enjoying my coffee today I was thinking how unique it is that God gave us the ability for us to enjoy such culinary delights. No matter if your delight is anything like coffee, strawberries, chocolate, or some delicious confection it is our tongues that provide us with such an ability—such pleasure. Yes, we enjoy these divine splendors through the marvel of this little member. So tiny and so specialized, but it can also get us into big trouble too. When speaking in haste or anger it can make us seem unappreciative of the things that God has given us, even destroy friendships/ relationships, and when it’s turned against someone it can ruin lives. Truly, as Christians we have a responsibility to use our tongues wisely… not letting foolish or rash things utter from our mouths but rather speaking the words that Christ would say to those to whom He gave so much, to those whom He loves. Today consider these thoughts… Every word that I say to others, every infliction of emotion or impatience is a direct reflection of the Christ in me. Is that how I what others to see Christ? Whether or not I want them to they will judge Christ’s worthiness, His love, and His compassion by the words I speak. So, today as you sip your coffee contemplate this thought…  If we consider ourselves ambassadors of Christ then we must speak for the ruler of Heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:20
    Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Dear Lord,
I know that I speak in haste and talk out of turn. My anger is ignited when I see your children taken advantage of, but there is no excuse for my actions. My outbursts can destroy my testimony and push people away from me. Words may be intangible but they sting worse than mortal wounds and have lasting effects. Please remind me that everything I say and do is a reflection of you. It is a privilege to be your ambassador.  It is a privilege to allow your words to find a place in my mouth. So, Lord, please help me today to find the self-control to quench my angry words and only think about things which are true, things which are honest, things which are just, things which are pure, things which are lovely, and things which are of good report. Allow me to speak up when I find things of virtue, and help me speak out anytime there is an opportunity to give You praise. Lord as I fall on my face again I ask that You help me and mold me to be the man you want me to be. I want my testimony to be a good report because without it I would fall into the devil’s snare—reproach. You, Jesus, are my hope when things seem hopeless, my defender in times of persecution, and the healer of my broken life. – Amen

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

What a great way to start your day.

Good Morning Friends of Rise Up Lubbock,
You know that having a cup of coffee is a great way to start your day, but nothing can replace… nothing is better than… starting your day with a prayer. Asking God to be a part of whatever adventure comes your way is…. Priceless!

Dear Lord,
I look forward to my day with great anticipation and hope. I ask today that you join with me in today’s endeavors and together we will be successful. I know that you prefer to be the silent partner but just knowing that You are there strengthens me and gives me courage to face whatever obstacle might come my way. I intend to speak, work, and live this day in faith, trusting that you will be walking by my side. As I work toward success… I realize that without You there is no real success.  Thank You Lord, I believe that you will be in everything I do today. – Amen

Joshua 1: 7 and 8
Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Lions and Cockroaches... and Coffee?

Hello friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
Have you ever been to a coffee shop enjoying your steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee and look over at the floor to see….   a cockroach crawling along the tile right toward you.  It ruins the mood and you start to have doubts about the cleanliness of the restaurant. The fresh flavor of the coffee is now tainted with the thought that is might not be as pure as you first thought… and soon you will stop going to that shop and find a new place to get coffee.  Well, Satan is exactly like that cockroach. He tries to get into your goods and corrupt the purity of your thoughts. He is sneaky and he tries to hide while he is working but when you see him it is time to move out of his reach…   I’m sorry what were we saying about coffee.

1 Peter 5:8
    Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Dear Lord,
I face today with a new determination. I see that you have put in my hand what I need to make my day successful and I intend to use it. My God, I ask that you help me to patiently ignore the roaring of people who are enveloped in their own self-interests. They only complain, ridicule and find fault.   Don’t let me become distracted or tempted away from completing today’s goal. I thank you for hearing me and I trust that you will be with me in every decision I make. Help me remember today that every choice I make, every place I go, and every situation I find myself in that You are there too… we are a team. Lord, You are all I need.  - Amen

Monday, August 26, 2019

Flavor makes a difference

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
          Every great coffee house has its secrets. They claim that they make the best coffee because of special roasting techniques or flavor mixing from various farms. Whatever they claim each brand has a slightly different flavor. There are definitely some differences which produces, for some, a more flavorful brew. It adds a mystery to the brewing process and the customer buys into the idea that they are purchasing something special and unique.  Isn’t it odd that we Christians continue to do the opposite? We buy into the devil’s tricks. He has succeeded in trivializing everything from the Bible to the symbols of our faith and as a result many have begun to believe that Christ’s crucifixion wasn’t so special after all. They paint Mary Magdalene as his girlfriend, and they scoff at the idea of a virgin birth. It didn’t happen overnight. It has crept into our society over a long time in comedy skits and comfortable movies… even in children’s cartoons. Well, friend, no matter how many cross charms I see I intend to remember that each one is a symbol of the currency that paid my sin debt. The devil may be able to change my society but he can’t change me.  

1 Corinthians 1:27
    But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

Dear Lord,
As I pray and meditate on your sacrifice, the suffering you endured for my sins, I am so very thankful. I have always found it hard to wrap my mind around the concept that You came into this world with one ultimate purpose, and that was to endure a hideous death. The truth is that the anguish you endured redeemed us. It was necessary to save us from sins grip on humanity.  You knew that You had a duty, a sacrifice to preform. God’s plan had to be fulfilled. Still, being ‘the son of man’ You had the option of freewill; yet, You choose to make that sacrifice. You chose to endure the shame and stigma of crucifixion because it held the ultimate hidden key, a code if you please, that when deciphered provided a gateway to grace. To say thank You for such sacrifice doesn’t seem enough, but I have no other words to express my gratitude. So, with a grateful heart I say again, thank You. I do have one request today. Lord I ask for your help... help me Lord to walk worthy of your suffering. As I live throughout this day, help me do something for You. Help me make your sacrifice worthwhile.  - Amen

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

My favorite flavor is rich dark brewed coffee

Dear Friends of Rise Up Lubbock,
          On my last visit to the coffee shop I ask for my favorite flavor of rich dark brewed coffee and they told me that was not the flavor they had brewed for the day. They had a new coffee I had never tried. With anticipation I thought that I was getting the new and better coffee offered by the company and so I tried it. Don’t get me wrong… it was okay but it just was not as satisfying as the flavor I had come into the shop to get.  I fell for the thought that newer was better, but when it come to what really matters in life… well, most of the time we just want to be happy and you and I both know where the source of happiness is . I assure you that the source of real happiness is not in a cup of coffee…  right?
Dear Lord,
I have spent all my life working to acquire stuff. I see the newest technology and I can’t wait until I am able to afford it. I believe the bank and blue book appraisal when they tell me that the worth of my car is calculated by its age instead of its performance. What I really desire from you, Jesus, is not a life filled with fad or fashion, not the newest or latest but quality… I want a quality life. I want my life to matter. I want my legacy to be one of example; as how to live a fulfilling life after your plan. Help me see through society’s worthless teachings to find what is really worth living for. I want to live a life full of more enjoyment and you are the source of joy, the source of happiness, the source of fulfillment. Lord, I want more of You.  - Amen

Psalms 49:6-7
    They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches; None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Did you know that a coffee bean is really a seed?

Hello Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
Did you know that a coffee bean is really a seed? The pods which contain the seeds are picked by hand as to not rupture the coffee cherries before the right time. It is a labor intensive process and requires an army of harvesters working together for a single purpose. It is sort of like the many people who work for Gods purpose. We are a part of a greater whole. Like the gathering of wedding guests in the book of Matthew God is gathering the many to work his fields… Matthew 22:10 - So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

I can only speak for boys (as I was once young myself… some people don’t believe that) but I feel sure this also applies to girls. Every young boy wants to be the hero, but the question is… What makes a hero? Is it courage alone that makes a hero? Is it simply conquering the enemy? We live in such a mixed up world; today we are learning from many different sources and these sources would have 21st century men to believe in their own autonomy. We are constantly presented with heroes that fight alone and refuse help or to be accountable to anyone. These so called heroes range from the rebel (movie star) policeman who refuses to call for backup to the make believe macho superhero who is so strong that he is above the law and accountable to no one. We have fantasy role models projected for us who forge through life in complete autonomy and we want to be just like them. But, the truth is we need each other. No one should be isolated and alone. Real heroes live and work in a community. So, the bottom line is, how do we become heroes in the kingdom of God? Become an encourager!  Become a person who others can depend on and you will become someone’s hero. It is a sign of a strong man to admit that he is only a small part of a greater whole. What is that greater whole? It is the body of Christ. Don’t hesitate, start developing the skills necessary to be a Christian hero today. Become the hero you wanted to be ever since you were a boy.
As Always,

Dear Lord,
I always knew that You want the best for me and a part of Your plan is that I have many spiritual siblings who You desire  to see blessed. Contrary to what I once thought, You and I are not walking alone on my spiritual journey. Today, I want to thank You for the many people that you have put in my life to guide me, encourage me, and keep me on track so that I will complete my spiritual race. Some of these people found Your grace after living sinful lives, while others were more wise and followed You from an early start, but no matter their background You have put them in my life to make me a better man. Help me to be an example for them as well. Proverbs 11:14 says that, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” By providing a spiritual family for me You endeavor to keep me safe. Thank You for my friends. - Amen

Proverbs 20:5
    Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.