Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Did you know that a coffee bean is really a seed?

Hello Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
Did you know that a coffee bean is really a seed? The pods which contain the seeds are picked by hand as to not rupture the coffee cherries before the right time. It is a labor intensive process and requires an army of harvesters working together for a single purpose. It is sort of like the many people who work for Gods purpose. We are a part of a greater whole. Like the gathering of wedding guests in the book of Matthew God is gathering the many to work his fields… Matthew 22:10 - So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.

I can only speak for boys (as I was once young myself… some people don’t believe that) but I feel sure this also applies to girls. Every young boy wants to be the hero, but the question is… What makes a hero? Is it courage alone that makes a hero? Is it simply conquering the enemy? We live in such a mixed up world; today we are learning from many different sources and these sources would have 21st century men to believe in their own autonomy. We are constantly presented with heroes that fight alone and refuse help or to be accountable to anyone. These so called heroes range from the rebel (movie star) policeman who refuses to call for backup to the make believe macho superhero who is so strong that he is above the law and accountable to no one. We have fantasy role models projected for us who forge through life in complete autonomy and we want to be just like them. But, the truth is we need each other. No one should be isolated and alone. Real heroes live and work in a community. So, the bottom line is, how do we become heroes in the kingdom of God? Become an encourager!  Become a person who others can depend on and you will become someone’s hero. It is a sign of a strong man to admit that he is only a small part of a greater whole. What is that greater whole? It is the body of Christ. Don’t hesitate, start developing the skills necessary to be a Christian hero today. Become the hero you wanted to be ever since you were a boy.
As Always,

Dear Lord,
I always knew that You want the best for me and a part of Your plan is that I have many spiritual siblings who You desire  to see blessed. Contrary to what I once thought, You and I are not walking alone on my spiritual journey. Today, I want to thank You for the many people that you have put in my life to guide me, encourage me, and keep me on track so that I will complete my spiritual race. Some of these people found Your grace after living sinful lives, while others were more wise and followed You from an early start, but no matter their background You have put them in my life to make me a better man. Help me to be an example for them as well. Proverbs 11:14 says that, “Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” By providing a spiritual family for me You endeavor to keep me safe. Thank You for my friends. - Amen

Proverbs 20:5
    Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out.

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