Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Don't take hot coffee with you in a regular cup.

Cup of Grace with Dan-Dwayne
Dear Friends of Rise up Lubbock,
Many times when I leave my house I will not have finished my morning (second cup) of coffee and so I take it with me. Sometimes I will put it in my travel cup but then there are other times that I just take my regular ceramic cup with me. Well, that was how it was, me finishing my coffee as I held my ceramic cup high over the car’s console as I traversed my way down the street. Take my advice it is not a good idea to take hot coffee with you in a regular cup. In the next instant a driver in another lane whirled his Mustang GT out of his lane (from behind a slow moving vehicle) and traversed across two lanes of traffic weaving between the cars. And, why? All to get ahead, to go faster down the road than the rest of the traffic. I slammed my breaks briefly to allow the Mustang enough room to dart between the cars and my coffee went… all over my shirt. Ouch! My first reaction was to respond in the flesh and not in the spirit. It is that stubborn streak I have that rose up in me for an instant. You know the stubborn streak that we have to kill out daily. (Sometimes I don't want to remember anger control = self control.) Paul said in 1 Corinthians 15 “I die daily,” referring to dying to sin… and again in Romans 6: 10-11 he said, “For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he liveth, he liveth unto God. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” It is easy to give into that stubborn… I want to do this my way attitude, but you will be far more blessed if you just give your situation to God, and trust.

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