Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Just a part of the coffee process...

Dear Friends of Rise Up Lubbock,
You know I like to talk about coffee. Well, I was just setting here thinking about how I only have control of my coffee at my end. I mean, have no control over any part of the coffee processing except the blessing and enjoyment part of drinking coffee. I know that there are pickers, roasters, and processers and many people that are involved in how my coffee gets to my cup, but the only thing I have any control over is how I brew it and pour it. So, as I said, I get the blessing part of the process. I get the enjoyment.  It's kinda humbling to think of all those are people working just so that the coffee can be sold in a grocery near me and that I can enjoy - my coffee.  My Christian life is also full of blessings that I didn’t put there. Those blessings were put into my life because of a praying mother, thoughtful prayerful friends, and the prayers of my loving family! They were prayed into my life and God honored their prayers and blessed me. That is a humbling thought. As a son, friend, husband, and father I have a responsibility to live worthy of their sacrifices for me… and then to think of the one who gave the most; the one who sacrificed the most… Jesus. How humbling to know that what he did was for me. Wow.

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