Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Love is inhaling the aroma of the coffee...

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
You know that I like my coffee. Well, I guess that is no secret… and I like setting on my deck in the cool morning, absorbing the warmth of the cup and inhaling the aroma of the coffee. It is… pleasant. No excuses, I just enjoy it. God is like that when it comes to our praise. No excuses needed… He just enjoys it. Our praises are like an aroma to His nostrils. Our praise rises to him like the fragrance from the altar of incense in the tabernacle of the congregation, the Tabernacle Moses built to God in the wilderness. Our hectic wilderness is the world of job, boss, politics, and family. We feel the pressure and weights of responsibility piled upon responsibility until we are drowning in the quicksand of our wilderness. What we need to do is step out of the wilderness into the Tabernacle of praise where participating in the worship of God creates an aroma so pleasing to God. It is so pleasant there. It’s certain God is there and all our problems can be solved there! It’s in that moment of serene meditation that we become the people/person we were meant to be, and we are doing what we were meant to do.

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