Tuesday, June 11, 2019

I am off to work and face the challenge of my day.

Hello friends at Rise Up Lubbock,

It’s time for another cup of grace or something to share over coffee with your friends. There’s something every true coffee officiatto knows. And, that is: the best way to drink coffee is in a ceramic cup. The reason why is that a paper cup absorbs some of the flavorful oils in the coffee and the drinker (me) loses taste. Anyway, I was at my favorite coffee house and the barista had just handed me my coffee. (In a ceramic cup) and a young man who was more concerned with looking at his cell phone than watching where he was going bumped into me. My expensive coffee, my brown ambrosia, became a decoration on my sleeve instead of being enjoyed like a regular cup of coffee should. As you can guess I had to conquer the mad beast inside and say, “Oh it’s alright.” While I was thinking sarcastically, it’s alright? I now have to have my shirt laundered and I suppose you’re going to pay the laundry bill? Not likely. Yes, I held my tongue and behaved myself. It was the thing to do. The kid meant no harm and it will actually cost me very little to remedy it. My cup needs filling with prayer. So today… This is my cup of grace. 

Dear Lord,
Again I am off to work and face the challenge of my day. The daily grind makes me see everything so opposite from how it really is. It seems that my job and making money is more important than the provider. The entire world I live in functions on a system of misplaced values.  Help me Lord to overcome these thoughts and see them for the lies that they are.  From You, all good things come. You are my treasure and yet it was you who paid the price for me. You sacrificed your all so that I can be redeemed in Your sight. Jesus, I ask that You help me today be a light in a dark place. Help me overcome anger in the face of stress and when I'm confronted by peer pressure and the desire to fit in, please give me the courage to be the man that you intend me to be.  I accept this blessing and thank you for demonstrating your power in my life -- Amen.
Enough said,

1 comment:

  1. I like this post. Think it is fitting for many of us on an given day! Enjoy the rest of your day my friend! gloria
