Sunday, June 23, 2019

Some coffee, like trust, can be bitter.

Hello friends of Rise Up Lubbock,
Have you ever noticed that some coffee is more bitter than others. There is nothing like a really smooth cup of coffee but when you order from a new restaurant you never know what you will be served. Sometimes it is one of those bitter cups. Today’s cup of grace is a little bitter because trust can be a difficult thing.  Men of great trust like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses were rare considering the long history of the Jewish nation. Many of the Old Testament leaders of Israel were not men of faith but men of sight. So it was when the Assyrian power approached the nation of Israel. The leaders’ sight convinced then that there was safety in Egypt and her swift horses.  God through the prophet Isaiah, was showing them that the way of deliverance which they sought by themselves was wrong.  Their strength was not to be found in themselves or in Egypt. Salvation was to be found through faith in God. By returning to Him and resting in Him they would find safety. A quiet and faithful trust in God would make them strong. When danger threatens it is difficult for a man to refrain from using his own strength. It is most difficult to maintain inward composure and not trust in externals. But true faith is a confidence which casts every concern upon the Lord. A man is strongest when his reliance on the Lord is greatest.  

Dear Lord,
I put my trust in You. I resist the human tendency to lean on my own understanding. I acknowledge my need for your wisdom in my search for solutions to my problems before me. Direct my path as I give precedence to Your ways and loyalty to Your will over and above everything else. I lift up my voice in confessing my total dependence on You. I believe that You are the author of my destiny. I know that the work You began when You called me to follow You will continue to develop to full fruition. Help me to move forward in keeping with your vision. It is awesome to realize that You can use me to accomplish Your goals. Think Your thoughts through me, speak Your words through my words, and enable Your best for others through what You lead me to do. - Amen

Psalms 20:7
    Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

As Always,
Just sayin’

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