Tuesday, June 4, 2019

It's funny, the value we put on things

Hello friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
Those of you who have followed my writing for any length of time know that I really like my coffee. I value it. It is a wonderful part of my day to set out on my deck and watch the Texas sunrise with a big cup of fragrant, steaming, delicious coffee and welcome the day with a morning prayer. It's funny, the value we put on things. We value things that will not matter in the end and take for granted what really is important and everlasting. There are some things which are valued as priceless. To an art collector it might be a painted masterpiece, to a jeweler it might be a magnificent diamond or pearl, to a conductor it might be a perfectly performed symphony, but all these things have no lasting value. They are like hay and stubble compared to the things of God which will not decay. So, what things really are of value to us? The answer is … redemption, restoration, sanctification, and life itself are precious beyond any mortal sense of value. These are the precious things of life! Truly, the value of redemption, the value of sanctification, the value of restoration is beyond the ability of man to count as wealth, but what does God consider valuable? God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and all the wealth in the world. What could He consider to be something of worth? The answer to that is YOU and ME! God’s treasures are his children and whether or not you feel like you are a treasure that does not change the fact that you are. An expensive pearl does not know it’s valuable. God’s people are like magnificent pearls of great value. The fact that you chose to follow Christ makes you a great treasure to God.
This is me, just saying…

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