Monday, July 1, 2019

I don’t like it when I run low of coffee.

Hello friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
I don’t like it when I run low of coffee. I always like to keep an extra bag on hand so I won’t run out. But, what if I forgot to restock or the grinder breaks… or some future market makes coffee unobtainable. Those are possible and not factual situations. So, today I will enjoy my coffee and trust in God for tomorrow.  Today my cup is full.  
It is easy to fret about our everyday problems. Concerns about what has happened and what might happen makes these everyday problems build and build. They begin to look like insurmountable situations and we let them control our lives instead of us controlling the situations. We even begin to worry about things that have not happened yet. Possible but not factual situations adds enormous weight to our daily burden. The truth is that this is a kind of a spiritual attack. The enemy is trying to take our minds off God and onto our problems. Our everyday lives are the real battlefields on which spiritual battles are fought. What we have to remember is that if Christ wins our battles then we win the battle. With Christ’s help we can take back the control of our life situations.

‘Nuff Said,

Dear Lord I ask Your help,

You are Lord of the present and the future. I praise You that You know what You are doing with my tomorrows. I confidently anticipate each new day and expectantly await the discovery of Your grace, mercy, and peace in all my unresolved problems and potentials. I believe that everything that happens to me will be used for Your plan and purpose. Thank You for healing my concerns about the future. Give me future faith, the kind that sets me free from the obsessive worry about what might happen. The bigger the problem, the more Your abiding presence and power I will receive. I intend to stop missing the joy of today by fretting about the future.  I know that when You win my battle then I win too. - Amen

2 John 1:3

Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

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