Monday, July 22, 2019

Single Source Coffees are amazing

Dear Friends at Rise Up Lubbock,
            Have you ever been to a coffee shop that brews really good coffee?  They say the best coffee is harvested and packaged from single farms, meaning that the beans are not blended from many different places. It has a specific flavor which is natural to the coffee bean grown at one location. Blenders try to reproduce this kind of flavor when they mix coffee beans grown at different locations, but it isn’t really the same... It is like the faith that grows in a Christian’s life. The world tries to replicate it, but they can never quite get it. It seems, in these strange days we live in, I’m needing a larger dose of faith than ever before.  When everything seems to crash down on my head. When it seems that I can't succeed and there is no help anywhere, I can turn to my single source, most potent source of help that never fails me. My single source of… Oh, I forgot, we are talking about coffee.  Enjoy your morning Cup of Grace.
1 John 5:4
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world,  our faith.

Dear Lord,
            Today I have so much to be grateful for. In times past You have seen me through many adverse situations and helped me with many problems. Since I asked you to join me, You have never failed me as I walk my life’s path. Now, as I look around I can’t see You working in my current storm. I feel all alone and it seems that the situation is hopeless. Lord, help me have faith in Your strength and power. I know that You have my best interest at heart and that I am a child of God, Your brother, and Your friend. I know that You would never abandon me. Please, focus my eyes so that I can see You more clearly amidst the deluge of my situation. Jesus, I trust You. - Amen      

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